Location: Syracuse, NY
Instructor: Joseph Godlewski, ARC 207
Date: Fall 2022
Westcott Performance Center was the product of an exercise dedicated to understanding tectonics and their application in the built environment. The exercise began with the analysis of the case study Costa Rica Treehouse by Olson Kundig, whose tectonic system was then abstracted through the lens of a soundsuit by Nick Cage and applied to the final structure.

The project is separated into a tripartite structure: the bottom level is formatted around open markets with moveable stalls, allowing for expansion and contraction in and around the site. The middle level houses the performance space and back of house. The upper level features a space of social gathering centered around an opening in the floor that links performance and social.

The figural, red element of the project is an attempt to both make the upper area seem accessible and blur the boundaries between layers, constricting the form before it blossoms out in its termination.
the analysis and speculation:
the project: