Location: Adirondack Mountains, New York
Instructor: Sinead Mac Namara, ARC 311 (Structures II)
Date: Fall 2023
Collaborators: Joyce Lin, Alexander Musau
This camp in the Adirondack Mountains provides sixteen dorm rooms and an open-air multipurpose space. The multipurpose space is covered with a sawtooth roof, with solid wood planks facing the mountains, and a glass facade overlooking the valley. This space is surrounded by a perimeter of mass timber columns supporting the roof consisting of a flat truss system. With deep trusses that span the entire fifty foot space, this structure acts as an architectural spectacle eliciting an experience of excitement. A slit between the wood planks and the glass allows rain and snow to seep in through the roof and drip down into the space, creating temporal and ephemeral walls. The scenic views afar are framed only by the supporting columns, creating a light and fluid blending of inside and outside.