
Why do those hands
Above all else
Entrance me yet today
What lies beneath
The sublime form
Ensconced below the clay

to build a god

What does it take
To build a God
Omnipotent on high
For whom we toil
And break ourselves
Until at last we die

That God need not
Be tangible
As convention would put forth
But something vast
Immortal still
A fire to our hearth

Ideas can serve
As Gods themselves
For whom we labor and burn
But also firm
Foundations from
Which the wheel of time will turn

an account of lies

An account of lies
Lies under all
Perceived not till the point

In which the dark
Breaks swiftly through
As two worlds are disjoint

asimov and tolkien

Foundations quell
Beneath the force
Of the Gods themselves

The two bleak towers
The light, the dark
Are razed to the ground

A fellowship can thus be made
Between those once apart


The pearl in dubious battle
East of Eden, burning bright
Travels with Charley to a God unknown
The moon is down, burning bright

hope thrust forth

A hope thrust forth
On yonder branch
A hope for height on high

Light dances nimbly
On its frail form
For without it hope would die


Aesthetics drive
Thoughts, perception
As patterns in the deep
Expanse below conscious thought
Into the place we leap

In search of truth
Of answers still
In structuring ouor life
How can we learn to use these truths
In quest to remove strife

if i adapt to all

If I adapt to one, to all
What truths do I hold dear
Does changing and contorting
Make identity unclear

Tenets I must hold
Morals placed on high
For without the firmament will crumble
And out my soul will fly

mt. washington

In three weeks time
I'll stand, awestruck
Above the titular dome
Among the clouds
Beside the birds
The sky I call my home

next step

In life's cruel test
Resistence reigns
Truer than all else

To live in pain
To fight the rain
To outlast all the welts

The most important
Step we take
Upon this unbeaten path

Neither the first
Nor the last
Its the next that staves off wrath

what fractals speak

What fractals speak
To you, to me
What secrets lie
In their geometry

Compounding still
Beyond perception
A code, a rule
Simple inception

Yet complex it
Seems to be
Reduction quells
A chaotic geometry

new paradigm

The wonder of thought
Endlessly brooding
It tendrils seep through time
Forever they forage
Forever they grow
In search of new paradigm


Egregious lies
A bridge that ties
A world of pain
To that of the sane