love and hate

What want is there
For crimes on high
For fear and desperation
If love is not the root, the cause
Paramount in the equation

To love, to hate
There is no difference
Merely sides of the same coin
The flip means naught
And it should not
Yin and yang are forever joined

Why denounce
The hate, the fear
And acclaim the love with awe
To love all is to love none
And to love few brings the fall

if there exists a will

If there exists a will, a way
That way soon I will find
To walk with God, omnipotent
And leave the world behind

Yet in finding all
All still I'd lose
A world I know and love
A world I've mined and scourged
To find that truth above

That truth to free
The grip of life
And its cruel agony

here i stand

Here I stand
On this weathered heath
The unknown stretched
Out before me
As far as the eye can see

The first glimpse of sunlight
Over those precipitous crags
Reminds me what I seek

Not the brash glory of the
Light of midday
Nor the choppy clouds of

But that cool, soft glow
That glow of sunset
That glow of content
That glow of home

With the sun at my back
And my goal straight ahead
I take that first step
And begin to go under

a pact we made

A pact we made
Upon our birth
A sacred covenant
To live within
This world's borders
Implicit freedom we find scant

To play the game
By us, for us
Has been 100 billions' hope
Yet the thousand few
Who broke the bond
Have carried us up the slope

A risk they took
In stepping out
Into chaos manifold
Yet to them we owe
Prosperity, freedom
For fortunte favors the bold

a wave of breeze

A wave of breeze
Takes my soul by the knees
Lifting with a jet
Of seratonin

Over bounds I fly
With my eyes turned towards the sky
Dreaming, envisioning

a precipice

A precipice
O'er death we raised
A bastion built on high
Yet from our vantage
Our place above
Still, yet, we cry

Our lives are safe
Our legacy upheld
Compared to those
Long ago
But dangers found
Still round each bend

Forever the waters of our discontent will flow


What a simple word
The mortar that bonds
Our interactions
By a single syllable

The flames of connection
That embroil the bold
The empathy and compassion
That meeting eyes hold

That which secures
THe advancements we've made
A promise of future
Where legacy doesn't fade

Each step we make
Trust holds in place
Out of the arms
Of death's sweet embrace


What a simple word
The mortar that bonds
Our interactions
By a single syllable

The flames of connection
That embroil the bold
The empathy and compassion
That meeting eyes hold

That which secures
The advancements we've made
A promise of future
Where legacy doesn't fade

Each step we make
Trust holds in place
Out of the arms
Of death's sweet embrace

tirelessly toil

Softly, the tireless toil against
That unbeaten foe
Their blows fall as thunderclaps,
Resounding with the very
Fear and despair that conceived
Of the creature

Yet what we hear is silence

What battles yet wage
As conceptions of love
What wars are still fought
Behind the closed door

We know not
We see not
Yet we feel, oh, we feel it
The existential tug of this
Insurrection is perceived by all
And none...

All and none...

pit of despair

The pit of despair
Enchanting, inviting
Tempting many a soul to come forth

True virtue then lies
In looking within
Reveling in the majesty of chaos

Yet turning away
With the dark thoughts at bay
A champion of the shadows of pathos

curb yet

Curb yet your fear
Inferences, assumptions
For the mind is a miserable place
To move room or stair
But requires a push
Turning the dirtiest rags into lace

Curb yet your doubt
Of failure, of harm
For the world is a miserable place
A push yields a pull
And that pull yields a step
To great things if you simply embrace

Curb yet your scoffs
Dismissal, disgust
For the world is not black and white
Sonder will come
And the gifts that it bears
If you see beyond wrong and right

each day we cut

Each day we cut
Each day we scratch
Whittling away at the limbs
Of our life

What do we find
Cutting back the bark
That which shields us
Protects us

Those nuances
Those failures, shortcomings
Lie at the center

To our character
To our very being
By shedding the bark
By missing the mark
It is our uniqueness
That is most freeing

when eye meets eye

When eye meets eye
Connection looms
Nascent, primal still
An opportunity entangled in
That momentary thrill