
There comes a time
A fateful step
Where a decision must be made

The ladder of life
Yields yet two paths
Each one duly weighed

But sometimes choice
An illusion is
For maybe I am just a pawn

Yet choose I will
And cross the Rubicon

mighty setting sun

What meaning will you pass
Beyond the gates of life
How important is a legacy
If it is laced with strife

Better to live true
WIthout regret or fame
Than face the dragon with a farce
For with this you'll be slain

If I stay true to me, to you
The fame will surely come
And with comfort I will welcome, dread
That mighty setting sun

time rips all apart

Rotting flesh, a headless corpse
Time rips all apart
With dismay we know this, fear this
Deep within our hearts

That beast that lives
Below the waves
Within our nightmares still
Has the name "uncertainty"
Slowly does it kill

It rips apart
Even the smart

It takes away
Heroes each day

Crumbling stone, a widening crack
Time rips all apart
To live, transcend, we work with care
To do our measly part