a beaten path

A beaten path
Bears yet no challenge
For who would compete
Against a beaten foe

Meaning in life
Requires a risk
A goal set on high

So take the unbeaten path
For its conquest grants you
The wings on which to fly

a bridge between eyes

A bridge between
Two thoughts, two minds
Invisible yet grounded in
Our sight

When gaze meets gaze
A connection reigns
Linking the two with
Common thought

a conception marked

A conception marked
By the devil within
A pearl the fall
Into darkness and sin

a frame of thought

A frame of thought
Binds all to one
The chaos of
Life is undone

a ladder we climb

A ladder we climb
Tirelessly treading
Out of the depths
From which we came

Order we bring
To the walls of this cavern
Yet beneath and above
Remains black

To climb further up
We must give up the past
A dangerous adventure
For sure

For the problems it solved
Pile up at our bottom
A crack to our
Illustrious pearl

a sea of fog over which i rule

The unknown: vast
Stretched out before me
A sea of fog
Over which I rule

A single note
Heard from the distance
Of mystery and change
It speaks

A chance for glory
For fame, adventure
All which is unknown
Made clear

A chance for failure
Destruction, agony
For all too many
Succomb to fear

The call to adventure
is heard by all
Fate beckons with
Its twisted digits

The risk is great
So is the boon
It's time I stopped
To listen

a sublime passion

A sublime passion
Dwells in the hearts of man
Its call echoing
Like the wingbeat of a dragon

Ever forward it strives
But in which direction it points
For the road of life
Has many a curve and pitfall

Wise men control it
But who says it is they that win
Do not the giddy in the field
Have as much claim to that title

A balance must be reached
Different for all, unique to one
For with individuality
The chaos of life is born

Untapped potential
Guarded by a dragon alight
WIth the stars of the many
Who took that leap of faith

a subtle thought

A subtle thought, a quandry
Is the start of an answer
So always look and oerceive
With questions in mind

a subtle tick

A subtle tick
A resounding tock
Time stops not for those
Who gaze at the clock

a transcendent force

A transcendent force
Responsibility yields
Its impact dependent
On how much you give away

To let it take you
On life's cruel journey
Without resistence
Without complaint

For freedom begins
With the daemon
That voice inside
Your skull

That which calls you
To a greater good
A glimpse of light
Of hope, of glory

chaos and order

Chaos and order
Two halves of a whole
Their unity something
Humanity stole

Ever unbalanced
We now must travel
Our lives failed in fire
Or under the gavel

Knowledge between them
Now scant and precious
Few ties mean few bonds
And death soon awaits us

A compromise we
Must forge yet anew
A covenant for
Both many and few

Agreement between
Both sides of the coin
For the gray in the middle
Is where people must join

Chaos and order
Two halves of a whole
What we bucked away once
Will be born with the foal

dung in the soil

Sadness and sorrow
Malevolence brings
Yet dung in the soil
Means prosperity of all things

fear not the fire

Fear not the fire
The chaos, destruction
For inside the monster
A pearl

What takes life away
Gives it back every day
Warmth, light, power,

A conscious look at the world
Might need sacrifice first
A way out of sure

With this weapon, a cure
With this monster, a pearl
A hecatomb might be the price
For salvation

for truth we fought

For truth we fought
In times now past
Based on a single framework

Yet what we wrought
Sparked us, unique
But for past armor, a dirk

I await with fear

I await with fear
To see
If that which I sought
Will be borne unto me

A chance, not slight
The ceaseless hunger
Will torture, envelope me
Its reach: transcendent
Its voice booms
It's clear; I will never be free

Yet pulls me on
This vile thing
Does from its place in the deep
If I fail yet again
Consequences are set
And thus I must take a leap

With wings I must soar
Through suffering, pain
Yet the reward pulls me along
To final success
To peace, no less
The melody of my inner song

I’d live with you oh shepherd boy

I'd live with you
O' shepherd boy
I'd be your love and queen

If only you
Would stop to think
Of what it'd really mean

To sit on rocks
While others toil
Is no way to live life

And flow'rs and leaves
Would rot away
And bring with them great strife

Your shallow gifts
Would bring but short
Euphoria in me

The gift of truth
Of speech, of mind
Would be what sets me free

The swains will sing
Each May morning

But who will care
In winter's snare

The slippers worn
My feet kept warm

Yet cold and bare
My heart will tear

I'd live with you
O' shepherd boy
I'd be your love and queen

If only you
Would stop to think
Of what it'd really mean

if all were equal

If all were equal
Would we really be free
Confined to the limits
Of our shared reality

if the world were but

If the world were but
A land of plenty
A feast for all who came

What would keep
Each man, each child
From consuming, yet, their brain

A world where thought
Matters not, does not
Is not a world for me

A foe, a challenge
An unbeaten path
Would be what sets me free

(The Sea Squirt (Ascidiacea) consumes its own brain after infancy)

it lasts a second

It lasts a second
The meeting of souls
The spark of two thoughts
As breath over coals

A connection forged
In truth, compassion
The shields are ripped free
Null is the bastion

When two eyes meet
Faith is kindled
The sword of chaos
Is greatly hindered

oh young, lost one

The times have changed
Oh young, lost one
The battle's lost
Yet we have won

That cold, dark grip
of death, demise
No longer sways
Even the wise

Our times now pass
The first threshold
The future calls
To those strong and bold

A future beyond
WHat the eye can see
A future beyond
The "I", the "me"

That warm, strong light
From out before me
What dirt we bear
Will stay in immortality


Away I walked
From those gates of gold
Their majesty casting
A shadow before me

A shadow I dreaded
A shadow I knew
Its malevolence a fragment
Of my soul

To accept this
is to rebuke
Paradise of Earth

But this paradise
Comes at a dear,
Dear cost

A value must be twofold
There is no heaven
without hell

So I join those
Who walk the trail away
From shining Omelas

Taking this burden
Unto myself
A shard of the devil
Yet too a shard of God


A single point
Its form unknown
Barrels on
Through the void of space

Timeless, tireless
without want or need
Yet supplying us with
The will to live


To fail yet still
I wait for thee

that man, that scourge, death

He was a scourge
To even life, this man
His footfalls brought fear
For even the most cunning plan
Could not exempt its people from his touch

He played with them
In sickness, cough
Giving a taste
Of his malevolent power

Ever vigilant he
Would not miss his target
Omnipotent his reach was

For a foil to life
Must have equal power

That man, that scourge: Death

veni, vedi, vici

The setting sun
Carries with the fame
The light cast on me
Three words I hear
Three words I speak
Veni, Vidi, Vici

Conquered have I
Those mighty heights
Yet fog's still set beneath
I look down, elated
For the adventures I'll have
There's so much more than a wreath

what single task

What single task
Renders one immortal
What single life
Echoes evermore

That life which helps
Our dismal lot
That life which solves
An existential struggle

That spark that relieves
The need of many
Burns evermore
In hallowed halls

If immortality and greatness
Are tied so dearly
With the prosperity of all
Why should we not strive for it?

We should seek out those issues
That cause suffering
And heal them evermore
For in doing so we heal our own
Mortal body
Now immortal as the helper of mankind

what truth bears not

What truth bears not
The mark of fact
What feelings yet transcend
Past the bonds of what we see
In fiction and pretend

what truth is there

What truth is there
Beyond the lies
Perceived by all and one
Is happiness really found
Upon the setting sun

That ball of fire
Unfeeling thing
Yet from its life we live
From this great source emotion comes
And all the lies it gives